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tv   Countdown to the Closing Bell  FOX Business  January 17, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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♪ liz: breaking news. the change of management at the top of e-trade. stocks spiked on the news. it is a dow jones report that in essence is saying that there may be a new ceo coming to them from barclays well regarded by at least a london media which is a tough thing to do. this is extremely capable and charming. what does this say about the trade. they might be one of those companies that have floundered and will be taken over by td ameritrade. you bring in a brand new ceo and he is the guy who will get the company ready to be taken over
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or find its footing once again and see what happens. at the moment moving higher by four pennies or half a percent. watching this story closely. in the meantime. good afternoon, i'm liz claman. welcome to "countdown to the closing bell". we have a flurry of buying on wall street. check out the dow 30. shades of green led by the old school. local school tech names like microsoft and intel. exxon mobile. boosting the blue chip. cisco systems, walmart. hewlett-packard, bank of america. a little bit of statistics. some pretty strong moves. with the jobless claims fell more than expected. this is the number you want to see go down. people standing in line for the first time. that came down. we have a bomb continuing in
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housing from the number that we get today. we get more on that. looking at the dow, s&p, nasdaq, we always see those. big gains across the board. interesting, but nothing compared to what is going on with the small caps in mid caps. the delicate that. all-time highs for the russell 2000, the s&p 500, and the dow transport. s&p 400 mechanics of the ones that brought that out. also a 5-year high at about 1,071. flip it over to the home builders because this is the number that obviously would stand to gain from a really good construction number which we got up to 0 percent year-over-year. leading the way, home building names like toll brothers moving higher by 3%. everybody up 3%. five and 1/3 percent. all 11 names in the s&p 500, home building in next higher because of housing starts. basically let's pull it apart release simply.
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new home construction jumping to 14 years i. december, adding evidence to the stabilizing recovery. at least some people have said it was sustainable. what is not working today? we are putting it on your screen. the big winners, commercial banks like bank of america, that is moving lower by about four 1/4%. the biggest percentage loser on the dow. q for profit down 62%. revenue fell. bank of america still dealing with a bunch of bad mortgages. let's look. you can see. just yesterday during after the bell that announced they were instituted dividend of 1 penny, but at least it was a dividend. did not help the day because they missed their etf by a mile, dealing with massive litigation costs, weak loan demand, and the release of fewer loan-loss reserves. crude oil is jumping, breaking $96 per barrel earlier in the date. geopolitical tensions feeling
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everything. the islamist militants taking of that natural gas plant in algeria. we do understand some hostages have died. we're very careful with this story, but it is a terrorist situation that, of course, spike in oil at the moment. either way it is a big risk on the meaning people are piling into stocks, commodities, rising in tandem. even the euro up sharply. the dollar 303. i am going to switzerland which is still on. but let's talk a what is going on in the markets today. all but two datapoint drivers. >> really much more of a technical breakout. we have tested fell last couple of weeks 1475. the s&p 500. unable to do it. just a matter of time before we broke through. the macro data is what really pushed us over the edge and pushes us hire.
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technically that will be important. liz: then we get, and i know you guys like technicals, but the emotion that is in the pick today. something like this, 107 points. he knows where we will close in 56 minutes, but the something like this character? better volume today. >> well, i think it can carry over. if you look at what we had, the technical ankle was covered well, but on the fundamental basis, and you talked about there earlier. the two things that came out today were that to drags on the economy, housing and employment. they are getting better and consistently better. the confidence will be there. here is the big fear. we have a climate of worry. we are at a plateau because the next is what is going on in washington d.c. that scares me more than anything have seen in this market in years. liz: i no d.c. is an issue. it is something we cannot control, sadly enough, but we can serve to control whether we
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are jumping into this market. people are still sitting on the sidelines holding their worries, missing rallies like this. >> that only cause more confusion because we are not really breaking out on explosive volume, which is also another concern. with the breakup like this you want to see volume ramp up, which would indicate to you that people really have a change of mindset. at 400 million shares, you are not really breaking out yet. some people -- liz: composite track. that would be the highest. let me get to the energy complex. everything is higher right now, jonathan. is this all the very tense and very worrisome situation? >> that is part of it. it pushes up a little bit yesterday. today a lot of it is the economic news that pushed us over 95 and up over 96, but more importantly we set lover $95 which is a big indicated that this rally might have pushed up to $100. liz: the weaker dollar obviously
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helps. adelle of 33 for the euro, and i'm thinking that can help. >> that adds to it. more cold weather coming in. now that we have pushed over 350 today, a little bit below, but that is bullish times are here. liz: you know, when news breaks on a single stock, the ceo at the trade financial group moving higher by half a percent. i'm just interested to know how closely traders look at something like that and say, oh, that's interesting. less about the sidelines where they are apparently according to dow jones going to have a new leader. >> well, it seems like it's a good news thing. but this is something that i tend to ignore because it is one event right now. let's look at it a little further and see if it really has impact because the company still has to run the way it runs. can he make that big of a change that. liz: are you looking at something like intel as we weigh
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on earnings after the bell? >> oh, most certainly. in the heart of earnings season, so this is something we want to pay attention to. so far they have been pretty good. i think important this time is the guidance has been better than the has been in the past. they are not spooking people in the market right now. liz: could to see all of you come to play. thank you very much. the turbulence with boeing stock. it is a dow component. widely held. maybe in your portfolio today we're looking in a move to the upside, but it has been choppy over the past week and a half. each of those tips coinciding with headline sitting the tape about problems with the 787 dream liner. now, perhaps, the harshest cuts so far, all airline scrambling to reshuffle flights as governments around the world vote -- forced boeing to ground all the seven a seven. suppose to be celebrating. there not. howdy use a nightmare in polish?
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>> actually, i lifted up. that is exactly what is happening. they were inaugurating were supposed to the flight between warsaw and chicago. a very popular route. take a look at where the aircraft is right now. supposed to have back last night it is still parked here today. we went around to the back of the airport and get a look at the 787 dream liner. two are flying. it is now grounded along with 49 other aircraft around the world. a huge hit for boeing and also, i might add, the first airline to say, we are going back to boeing and we're going to ask for compensation on this. take a look at what the number two man at the polish airline had to say. essentially, we're going back to the contract to look to see what we can do to get compensation. it is a huge hit for us.
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out of here tonight, and they hope to get it out with a replacement aircraft. at this point that is what they're hoping for. by the way, all about batteries, lithium ion batteries. this is a lithium ion battery. i know you carried one. the back of the camera. we love these things. they're much later. that is why the airlines love them. the problem is, it was pointed out, the airlines will not let you carry this in the hold in the cargo hold of the aircraft because it fears that something could pump and leak fluid. as the problem we have here right now. liz: i think the compensation issue is major and makes you wonder if their is a recall and i have to turn in my car for recall, they going to pay for my rental. i know. >> ford has been great about that, as you know. hopefully boeing will be the same. liz: wow. a little bit higher price check may be.
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also a nightmare and french. nightmare in polish. the closing bell ringing in exactly 50 minutes. we are holding on to gains of 110 points. a 5-year high. enclosed. money coming in. driven by the big institutions without really any participation from the little guy, the retail investor. when will the average joe come back to the market and embrace risc? find out what ubs's saying. a brand new survey on investor sentiment. it is ours first. chief investment strategist breaking it down coming up in a fox business exclusive. suddenly, she does something unexpected
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♪ liz: the power mover of the hour, h&r block, shares of the company hitting a brand new high today, about four and 1/3 percent. i decided to pick up the two month picture because what you're seeing is at the end of the year when everybody was terrified about tax implications we were down. here comes the fiscal cliff resolution. and then we have done a nice
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move and this continues to move higher. what is going on? well, if you look at the chart you can see. let's do it. you can see, there was a fault. we have a nice move since then. limited options if you're thinking about filing your annual tax return, you will have to wait a bit, but this is a company that people perceive will help them. the irs pushed back its opening date for tax season by eight days to january 30th. if you're interested to see how the other guys have done, here is a to our block with into it. very similar picture. not as big a jump today. looking pretty good. shares taking off. let's look at the moment. let's get to sony. >> we talk about it. a great job over at the consumer electronics show. remains in focus especially today. the ceo, the new ceo talked
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about the fact that he really is going to shepherd this ship and move this forward. facing tense competition from apple and samsung. as i really have the product of innovation to keep it competitive. the stock is down about 35 percent over the last 52 weeks. he is now saying that he is shepherding several projects parcel himself. does not get caught up in bureaucracy. does not suddenly fade away. coming out of the tokyo headquarters. a great interview with him and really said, where are the real products that everyone has talked about? we all remember our sony walkman this command. it really being competitive to apple and samsung and such. it certainly seems like he is ready to take sony. liz: the number one question which was right on the money, and now we see, what about the naysayers who really feel like
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to have not gotten up to the spark elise samsung's of the world and, of course, the apples. you would have had it right here. argue still on the sideline? is it time now for you to get off the sideline to make it into the game, get your hands on the ball? told u.s. trading volume, we thought this the -- this would really articulate. the volume has been on the decline since the scary market bottom of 2009. joining me now, chief investment strategist at ubs with our brand new investor invest sort of sentiment survey, and the number one issue because it's sort of to fold here. what you think and then what the investors think. you think investors have too much cash on the sidelines. >> investors are telling a similar things in terms of what they are concerned about as we are concerned, and it is interesting. i listened to the masses talking about this wall of worry.
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certainly that clearly came through. investors, if you go back to years ago, they were concerned about the health of the economy and financial markets. that has been displaced and more concerned about dysfunction in washington. liz: spending cuts and the debt deal highly important. 76 percent of those the you surveyed said is very important to their money, and some. how would it be impact full on people's portfolios if there is not a debt ceiling bill? >> i think what is going to happen is that i think investors are actually being very pragmatic about how they are addressing the issues in washington. investors are incredibly adaptive creatures. so what you're seeing is investors right now, okay. rather than looking for the big deal, let's clear these turtles. liz: come home like they're missing the rally. >> but they are starting to see levels of engagement. the notion that everyone is on the sidelines is misplaced. plenty of cash, zero people are selectively engaging.
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we are trying to get people to engage in a thoughtful way in areas where we think the risk/reward clearly favors you. liz: the people feel that 40 percent of significantly better than one year ago. 56 percent get about their financial situation. inching higher. they are not doing much with it to make the money to capitalize. if you were to advise people watching right now about the fear that drenches them at night or is that they will get bank again $ 2009 to march a particular, would you say? >> a two-part answer. the first is get a plan. when you look at the survey will we found is that those who have done our financial plan both felt better about how they had done last year and were more optimistic about the next 1-4 years. the second is, let's figure out there writing gauge his strategy for each individual. liz: have you put this together? , the people the survey? >> week survey over 2,000
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investors. they tend to skew toward the high net worth crowd, folks who are affluent and their decision makers, investment decision makers within the household. liz: 86% believe that we are in a fresno recovery. i am less interested in french aisle and more interested in the fact that they perceive it is a recovery. >> and pass this notion about are we at the cusp of a recovery. they also recognize this is going to be a different kind of economic recovery. liz: for the opportunities. you guys of the money guys. if they do start to get a little more confident, should they be putting their money for opportunity in 2013. >> two places. still on the credit side. the fixed-income market will have some challenge with the rates ahead, we think there is an opportunity the the higher level of income like high heeled and investment. we do have an engagement strategy in the equity market as well. we actually moved to an overweight in equities. preference is emerging markets.
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liz: people pro that turnout. is there a particular region? >> we still have a preference for asia. we think that the growth dynamic there continues to improve. china works through this soft batch. we think that is the area where there are the most growth prospects. liz: this is the brand new survey for ubs. i appreciate you coming here is the silly to tell us because once you find out what the herd is thinking, it helps to seek clues. >> it does. liz: chief investment strategist at the united bank of switzerland. closing bell ringing in 38 minutes. housing has been on a tear. not only in terms of sales of existing homes, but also under construction, risen to four year highs. does that because our interest to buy or maybe consider moving to a new city? what if it is across the country in sentences go? don't you want to know what the crime rate is? to you just want to invest in the company?
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truly. a number of resources and that making the move a bit easier. we are speaking to the co-founder and ceo and a first on fox business interview. ♪
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your money needs an ally. liz: here is the fox business market check. home construction as we mentioned in the u.s. and in 2012 on quite a high note. the highest jump since june of 2008. check out who is kept in a good vibe, the homebuilders. a four year high today. lennar, toll brothers, all hitting new highs. just a great thing to see because that has been the real problem with housing. but are we really seeing a trend? are you feeling more inspired to move to a new city like l.a. or san francisco? you decide to turn the web as
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the opportunity to find something you can afford, right? but where do you look? trulia is hoping you will count on them. trulia contracted commuter map, it will help you exactly with that. what about time? what about safety, a map for that, what about where you should eat, whole foods, the gym, there is a map for that. your kids, how far away are the schools, there is a map for that, so how is trulia using social media to get ahead in the real estate business and make money? they are publicly traded. there is an app for that. cofounder and ceo joining me now in a first on fox business interview. good housing numbers, good construction numbers although you could have seen it coming, couldn't you?
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you almost are a predictor of what the data points are really going to look like, right? >> we have an amazing view of the housing market. what is selling, what is not selling. we pulled some data, not only the housing market recovering, but it is accelerating. prices are starting to grow. we saw 5% growth year-over-year, and iand a number of markets grg around the bay area, the market typically seen over the last couple of years double-digit declines and are now coming back. liz: are you seeing better listings and better interest in vegas now? >> we saw 2011 was a tough year, house prices rebounded, which is i think a great sign for the overall market.
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the market gettin is getting hie hardest like california and the southwest have now begun to rebound. liz: trulia is almost the canary in a coal mine. tell me about page views. comparatively to the past couple of years which has probably been done little bit more. >> engagement is super high right now. the local housing market, realtors and brokers, this has been a big change, you mentioned going back to 2009, 2010, huge amounts of inventory on the market. now you have inventory and the market is coming down particularly the market growth. that is a good thing because it pushes up home prices which is great for the industry, great for trulia encouraging a lot more sellers. liz: recently went public see
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you are now answering to shareholders, how are you making money, peter. how are you monetizing, what is your best new idea? specifically for the actual ages listed. >> subscription services, so agents can promote themselves, or visibility and we have services or agents to use mobile applications. they are selling houses. liz: i don't have time. >> technology transforming real estate. the other piece of our business is media. look at the homebuilders, the home construction is decreasing significantly. the more new homes that are for sales, the better for business because they market themselves on trulia.
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liz: here you see homebuilder stocks and permits move-up, but have they really looked. there was a dip in and started to move up, so as i am pushing, it is interesting, you are perhaps a little bit of a predictor. tell me what else are you seeing that can give our viewers sort of an early read on this next move. >> we're also looking at home prices ended that of our redness is rentals. a lot of consumers right now, they're a bit scared off of the housing market the last couple of years. consumers not only seeing home prices increased also rental increase as well. liz: a lot of our staff, we have people saying all of my friends started looking on trulia how to find an apartment.
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said you have a competitor that the bigger, zillow. how do convince people that you should be the choice? >> we provide unique tools to help consumers not just find homes that sell or cross the market, but getting the inside scoop, enormous amounts of consumer generated content. commute maps, crime maps. in the consumer side it is critical. and the mobile applications. liz: peter, thank you. and by the way, came up with the idea when he couldn't find all these data points. good luck to you. trulia founder and ceo. the mother of all chip makers take center stage. intel's earnings right after the
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bell. you need to pay attention to this one, tends to move the market the next day depending on what happens. coming up in a fox business exclusive. and intel cfo breaking down the numbers right here on fbn.
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adam: i am adam shapiro with your fox business brief. four hostages from the united kingdom and the philippines were killed during a military operation for those taken captive by al qaeda linked terrorist. a chilean government says 14 people wounded. among them, seven foreigners.
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new issues require banks to do more to help the struggling homeowners keep their houses. consumer financial protection bureau is trying to stop a practice where they stop the foreclosure practice while a homeowner applies for mortgage assistance. theand in the longest of the foreclosure process until a homeowner misses four months of mortgage payments. red sox fans can own history. curt schilling bloodsoaked sock from the 2004 world series. the stock expected to fetch $100,000 is being sold through the auction. online bidding around february 4. we continue our "countdown to the closing bell" with the woman who speaks fluently french, english and profanity. liz claman. liz: yes. i don't speak that, but you heard jeff flock saying
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nightmare in polish because they're having real troubles with the dreamliners. market is looking very good holding onto triple digit gains for the dow right now. what is really moving within all of these markets? a look at the big movers. sandra: one thing pushing stocks higher as commodity prices. the year to date. natural gas prices also making a big comeback higher for the year. gold rebounded, look at the big selloff to start the year, gold has recouped all the earlier losses and is now about to follow silver, it is a competitor for those investors that had been higher. that being said, if i jump in these sectors, you will see some of the best performing sectors are the commodity related stocks. energy up up and away for all of these stocks.
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look at the volume leaders, definitely those. remember, this is a stock over the past year have experienced huge gains over the past year down big as the profits up 63%. the big earnings miss spending the stock down 3%, you'll want to watch intel reporting after the bell tonight this is the big tech start with pretty big declines over the year. up 14% so far this year, put up a year-to-date chart making a bit of a comeback on the announcement sort of seems like a dud. up a full percent today. liz: intel will be joining us at 4:30 p.m. eastern to take apart. he came up talking about the older books and how the businesses, windows 7 adoption,
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windows 8 adoption. nicole at the new york stock exchange. looking on pace to close a five-year high. nicole: is really exciting. people went through the financial crisis, they loved to see green on the screen read we were above 13,000, and so let's take a look at the most actively traded stocks. the first two are bank of america and citigroup, both came out with quarterly numbers and came under some pressure. i also want to talk about the fact that the most recent highs, let's take a look at the action, this is an intraday chart. all green today, that is really what we have seen in the market, very stellar and we have seen so many names higher. we're in the thick of earnings season. keeping an eye on housing.
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the labor numbers looking better, the homebuilders have been stellar over the last 52 weeks and continue their uptrend. these are the kind of things we have been watching, taking a look, look at that, goldman back in the green again. that is the latest, back to you. liz: thank you. intel up 2.33%. such reports fourth-quarter earnings as the semiconductor giant struggles to navigate a shrinking pc market, i guess they call it the value phone. >> they're trying to diversify. intel chips have been called the currency of commerce and the way we looked at how steel was going out the older economy, chips give you a good indication of what is happening with telecommunications, automotive sector, basically every major industry that is out there.
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the best insight into all of this. $0.45 in terms of revenues. talk about the pc. a couple of things analysts are talking about and looking for. another pc sales peaked last quarter. entire industry down 6%. expect them to talk about that, but jump onto other initiatives including ultra-books and mobile, how they are making strides in those arenas. atom-based processors, google tv, how are those doing? in the short term intel will be pressured but all about developing this long-term trajectory. it will pay off later, that is where the nitty-gritty stuff is at today. liz: after intel earnings are
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released and 4:00 eastern time, we're joined by intel chief financial officer stacey smith on "after the bell" live, we will ask all those questions and more. thank you very much. we will be right back. the closing bell 16 minutes away. stay tuned. have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression,
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liz: this breaking news story we brought to you at the top of the hour, finally a new leader at the top. the chief operating officer has finally been brought in to sort of run e*trade financials. could it be that is being sold to someone else or could it be to turn this thing around? if you look at a three-year, five year, not a good picture.
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we are reading the stuff moving on the dow jones, the founder, the largest shareholder pushed for change of this company because it has kind of been dead money. you have a guy who says come on, folks, let's make this happen. from charlie gasparino standpoint, the nod went to paul, not tom joyce. he was spoken about possibly, the guys over at knight capital, taking the top job here at e*trade. the stock now flat. just flat for e*trade financial. large banks reporting earnings, investors are wondering if the rally will continue, or will not banks dominate in the new year? executive vice presidents joining me with his take on large banks and the surprising twist on the house recovery which gave you the flu some of these guys find out could move higher or lower.
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how do you view the data points from the housing market? it gives you a sense of which companies may be better in the financial world. >> i just moved to a non-bank financial firm, a very skilled asset manager. you can tell how i voted. liz: you don't want to be too big, but you don't want to lose sight either. >> much of it was spurred by government programs, government subsidies. they kept $9 billion worth of loans they could have sold to the agency market at a premium. liz: the stock not responding well today. >> not a bad quarter if you take out all of the noise. they settled on a big goal, but the question is how can we get
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countrywide behind us? a lot of private investors litigation, that is the big challenge. the bank is not doing bad, but you can tell some of the analysts have already backed away. liz: are largely benefited from the borrowing costs. >> provisions have fallen about as low. it is about as low as it can go, it will flop around where it is. simply because they want the stock to go up. liz: they have done so well. there is such a nice run-up. >> the financials, they had run away from the big banks. when you go to the u.s. bancorp, they don't like it because they're too small and not very liquid. liz: if somebody says chris, you're my buddy, should i be in these? >> have had friends put every dime they had into bank of america.
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i think it was a great trade for them because they started in the single digits. the question is now will i let'o $20? i don't make stock recommendations. on a valuation basis, the stock is worth more than it is today if you get the noise and legacy issues behind them. liz: yesterday jpmorgan and goldman impressive. >> goldman hit it out of the park. liz: they did. but some of these other guys are from cost-cutting. >> a year from now looking at jpmorgan, they can't have the same magnitude drop in credit costs. that is the problem. so they will have to find elsewhere. jimmy diamond took $100 million out of his rent expenses. i think they're all doing this. liz: where's the revenue? >> revenue is weak. you have to say to yourself how long am i going to wait, am i going to buy these on yield?
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5% on the preferred? they think that is the future of banks regulating them excessively so they will look like utilities for a while. not a lot of upside in the stock prices. liz: chris, thank you very much. great to see you. executive vice president. the closing door ringing in six minutes. goldman sachs and raymond james cut the home goods retailer after the company reported disappointing holiday sales. which company is it? you have got to find out, stick with me. stay tuned. up 89 points right now. ♪ [ slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums starts working so fast you'll forget you h heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums
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♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all onhinkorswim from td ameritrade. ♪
3:59 pm
liz: okay, we are not telling very well. talking about williams-sonoma. why would i buy that, david? williams-sonoma holiday sales missed estimates, so they got the two biggies, raymond james and goldman sachs saying they are not thrilled with leslie stock getting hit 25% for williams-sonoma. you have got to love that stuff. you walk in and buy more than you really need it. in the meantime we have investors buying today. we're getting ready for intel earnings and so many more big interviews coming up. david: richard fisher coming in as well. and the market today finally rallying a good economic whether the fed is printing more money or whatnot based on the fact unemployment figures are looking better


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